Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our home base is in Rome, Georgia.

Do you travel?

Yes. We bring our events to your business or hosting facility. We charge a small fee to cover gas and travel time to the event.

How do we book a team event or workshop?

  1. Fill out the Assessment of Needs form.

  2. Schedule a Discovery Session.

  3. Receive an Estimate.

  4. Approve the Statement of Work.

  5. Make awesome memories.

How much does it cost?

What we do is highly customizable for time, goals, number of participants, etc. We prefer to do the Discovery Session before the estimate, so you don’t have any surprises.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes. Let us know if you are a non-profit, educational institution, or member of the Rome Floyd Chamber.

Why do we need a waiver?

We are tempted to make a lawyer joke here… Our events and training incorporate experiential activities. These activities carry an inherent risk that cannot be eliminated completely. We are committed to managing and limiting those risks. Whenever service requires participants to sign a waiver, we tell you in advance.

How do we sign the participant waiver?

Click on the link here to sign the Liability Waiver and Release.

What should we wear?

Whatever clothing is appropriate to the environment and workplace. We recommend wearing shoes with closed toes.

What payment methods do you accept?

If your organization would like to pay by company check, we send a W-9 and any information your accounting department needs. We accept major credit cards through Stripe. There is a 3.5% charge to offset credit card processing fees.

When is my payment due?

30 days after the Statement of Work is approved.

What are your team events and workshop cancelation policy?

Once you approve the Statement of Work, we get to work on the plan and details. Life happens, and we understand. There is no fee for postponing your event once or twice. If you cancel the event, we will send you a revised invoice or refund of 50%.

We already have an event. Can you make ours better?

Yes. We love to make events memorable and bring training to life. We offer consulting services to help you be at your best.

I still have questions.

No worries. Give us a call at (706) 413-2520 or email Cheers.